The Value Of Myth In The Story Of Our Lives
I walked down to the bank of the river and caught the sun’s light stabbing through the horizon line of pines on the other shore of the Black River.
I walked down to the bank of the river and caught the sun’s light stabbing through the horizon line of pines on the other shore of the Black River.
“Failure is a bruise, Not a Tattoo” – John Sinclair If I have learned anything about myself in my 37 years on the earth, it is this;
Ahh, resolutions. Those empty little promises of change that we make ourselves that feel so heavy in January and become like airy bubbles floating away into nothingness come February.
So, I have a problem with all this authenticity shit being tossed around in the personal development world. I don’t have a problem with telling people to be authentic.
Mojo is a fluid thing. It can come and it can go. You can be strutting your shit one minute and falling into the gutters the next.